MSP Visit

The women of Moments of Freedom recently met with Marie McNair MSP for Clydebank and Milngavie.  

Marie came out to Centre 81 to one of the women’s meetings to hear about their work. 

Marie asked all about their video that was shown in the Scottish Parliament, their film, their recent integration work and their plans for 2023. The women chatted about their upcoming plans for Eid celebrations and what they wanted to achieve this year as part of the group. 


It was great to hear more from Marie about her everyday constituency and parliamentary work and hear how the women can get in touch with her for help and what she can help with. 


The women explained that they are hoping to host a coffee afternoon event during Refugee Festival Week to welcome other New Scots and get to know others in the community better. 


More detailed information about this will be on our social media soon so keep your eyes peeled!  

Outside The Box